Bryan and Zana's Photo Pages

Monday, July 25, 2005

Another view while biking,

Just before sunset.

A bike riding interlude

A few more bike riding pictures, because that's what I do. A couple from a weeknight ride. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

My favorite road sign in Colorado

This is my all-time favorite road sign in Colorado. It's several miles above Denver as you descend towards town on I-70. I always wonder who decided that an offcial sign should read, "DON'T BE FOOLED"

Outside Leadville

A view of the mountains behind the cabin we stayed in. The picture doesn't hardly do it justice!

Homemade sign

Independence Pass

We had to turn around on our road ride due to weather. It was a great ride nonetheless.


I've known Joe for about five years now. He's been into cycling longer than I have, and we finally made a point to get out and ride together. Here's Joe on his 'vintage' Merckx. Nice bike joe!

Leadville Trip

Here's our next trip: Leadville. After spending a week at 30 feet above sea level, we headed right up to 10000+ feet. I was dizzy just walking up stairs at that altitude. Didn't stop us from having fun though. Jow and Yosy were our hosts, and we had a great time getting away from town for the weekend.

Friday, July 22, 2005

More to come

Hey everybody!

Thanks for checking out our pictures thusfar. We've got a lot more to put up so keep checking back.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Leaving on a jet plane.

This is the last from our Olympia Trip!

Big Mossy Rock


Next to the pool.


Staircase is a hike in the Olympic National Park about an hour and a half from Zana's parent's place. Met this guy right as we were starting.


Sparkler fun.

Scaz and Gen

Tank War!!!

Something I always wanted to see: When I was a kid I thought the tanks were darned cool. I thought that setting up a huge tank battle would be super cool.

It is super cool.



Cow Hide Cycle

Ahh.. The Fourth of July party. Mike's house, via Doug's invitation. And the cow hide moterbike. Looked like fun, but I managed to stay off it, somehow.

Tall Ships

The next day was the Fourth of July. We stopped in Tacoma to check out the Tall Ships. Beautiful wooden boats, sailing in and out of the harbor.

Almost dark.

Another gorgeus night!

Back at the house.

Back at the house, enjoying the views from the deck.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pacific Ocean. Posted by Picasa

The Pacific Ocean Posted by Picasa

Zana at Ocean Shores the next day. A fanstastic day at the ocean.  Posted by Picasa

Space Needle, on the way home. Posted by Picasa

Palmer and Scaz, post-beer pre-eating in the restaurant. Well, Post beer for Palmer and I...  Posted by Picasa

This is a random Beer Fest Attendee. Yes, that's toilet paper stuck in his pants, and no, he had no idea it was there.  Posted by Picasa

The beer fest was right under that weirderst building in Seattle. That is, until the Experience Music Projectwas constructed. Posted by Picasa

We found the Holy Grail. Sort of. The tap handle was very much better than the beer, unfortunately. Posted by Picasa

Palmer.  Posted by Picasa

I headed to the Seattle International Beer Fest with some Friends while Zana was visiting a very pregnant Soma.  Posted by Picasa

Making hummus in the Bushnaq hosehold. Posted by Picasa

Flying over the Tetons. Yellowstone is in the distance. No pics of Rainer this trip, wrong side of the airplane both ways.  Posted by Picasa

Leaving Denver pre-dawn. We were riding the duck! Posted by Picasa

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